Social services
Care For Employees
Business Ethics

Social services

Tianyu actively engages in various forms of philanthropy, actively seeks the point of convergence between corporate development and social harmony, and endeavours to be an excellent enterprise with warmth and commitment.

School-enterprise cooperation

Tianyu actively promotes school-enterprise cooperation with colleges and universities and builds bridges between enterprises and colleges and universities. By providing internships, setting up joint laboratories and carrying out scientific research cooperation, the company and the universities work together to cultivate high-quality talents, provide students with a practical platform, and enhance their vocational skills and competitiveness.

Integration of industry and education

Tianyu has joined hands with universities to promote the deep integration of industry and education and build a common innovation platform. The two sides carry out joint research in the fields of new drug research and development, production process optimization, accelerate the conversion of scientific and technological achievements, and jointly promote the innovative development of the pharmaceutical and health industry, which realizes the organic convergence of the education chain, talent chain and industrial chain, and cultivates more composite talents for the society in line with the needs

Campus construction

Knowing that education is the cornerstone of social development, Tianyu has long been actively involved in campus construction. We help to improve educational facilities, enhance teaching quality and create a better learning environment by donating funds, teaching equipment and resources, so as to provide students with a safe, comfortable and modern campus to take care of their growth and overall development.

Care For Employees

Tianyu is committed to safeguarding and protecting the basic rights and interests of all employees, creating a work environment that respects human and labour rights, and ensuring that all employees work in a safe, fair and dignified environment, which is consistent with our corporate culture.

Based on national laws and regulations, the company has signed a number of stems that are in line with those of countries around the world, thus ensuring that the rights of workers and citizens are not infringed upon.

Code of Conduct

Code of conduct requires all employees to adhere to the highest ethical and legal standards in their work and to maintain integrity, transparency and fairness. Employees must comply with all laws and regulations, prohibit bribery and corruption, protect the privacy of data, maintain a healthy and safe work environment, and report misconduct through open channels. Violations of the Code are subject to disciplinary action. Tianyu provides regular training to ensure that employees understand and follow these guidelines.

Integrity & Self-Discipline

Tianyu is committed to upholding high standards of business ethics in all its business activities and is firmly opposed to any form of corruption and misconduct. Tianyu has established strict anti-corruption regulations that clearly prohibit any form of bribery, kickbacks and improper exchange of benefits. In order to strengthen our occasional integrity campaigns and integrity culture theme studies, including anti-corruption policies, business ethics guidelines and typical case analyses.



Diversified selections

Tianyu has always adhered to the concept of diversifying its business strategy. We believe that a diverse talent team can bring more diversified perspectives and innovations, and thus meet diversified customer needs. Therefore, the recruitment and training of diversified talents in terms of gender, age, race, cultural background, skills and experience, personality traits, etc. is the core concept of Tianyu's talent construction.

Culture inclusiveness

Respect for the individual is a core value of Tianyu, and we are committed to creating a work environment in which every employee is free to express and be recognized. We value the contribution of every employee and ensure that they feel respected and fair at every level of the organization.

1. Smooth and open communication platform

The company has set up an online communication platform, internal timely communication software, president/general manager mailbox, staff congress, annual satisfaction and dedication research, rationalization suggestions and other channels to create an equal, open and inclusive working environment for employees.

2. Employee Behaviors Inclusiveness

Tianyu is always committed to fostering inclusive behaviors among its employees, and constantly helps employees improve their knowledge and understanding of inclusiveness through diversified talent development programs and corporate culture activities, and guides them on how to put it into practice in practice.


Energy consumption

From 2024 to 2026, Energy
consumption (electricity and steam) per
10,000 Yuan of output value will
reduced by 5% per year

Greenhouse gas

From 2024 to 2026, greenhouse gas
emissions (Scope 1 + Scope 2) per
10,000 Yuan output value will decrease
by 5% per year

Waste emission

From 2024 to 2026, the amount of
hazardous waste generated per 10,000
Yuan of production value will decrease
by 5% per year

Tianyu has fully considered the pollution emissions to the environment, the use of natural resources such as energy and water, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity during the production and operation process, to solidify its responsibility for environmental protection, to take the harmony between human and nature as the value orientation, and to take the green, low-carbon and recycling as the main principle, so as to realise the sustainable development of the economy and the environment.


Safety philosophy
100-1=0 is our safety philosophy.
EHS Policy
Protecting well-being, continuous improvement, and strengthening employee awareness
People-oriented, strict risk control, and compliance with laws and regulations
Protect the environment, green and low-carbon, and promote social responsibility

Production safety standardization

Environment, Occupational Health and Safety (EHS) system is an important part of the company's social responsibility strategy, complying with laws and regulations, perfecting the management system, making continuous improvements, requiring ourselves to meet the high standards of the industry, and integrating the ISO14001 Environmental Management System, ISO45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System and Work Safety Standardized Management System to form an integrated EHS management system.

Stock code


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